Saturday, September 17, 2011


this weekend I went to JapanFest! it was cool, i got my halloween costume there and a poster for my room... which i have no idea how to hang up :( 
anyway, i think i might delete my plenty of fish account, it is starting to get creepy. I like this whole blogging thing a lot better. this weekend has been busy. i went shopping with my mom, japanfest, paper to finish, and japanese test to study for... oh yeah, and reading... riiight. 
I also found out this weekend that my one cat hates having her back brushed and the other loves it! random thought... 
My old school was playing football today on tv and it made me kinda sad, not just because they are pretty bad, but because I miss my old school. However, I do like the people I've met at my new school! :) :) :)
Okie dokie... better get back to proofreading. 

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