Saturday, September 17, 2011


this weekend I went to JapanFest! it was cool, i got my halloween costume there and a poster for my room... which i have no idea how to hang up :( 
anyway, i think i might delete my plenty of fish account, it is starting to get creepy. I like this whole blogging thing a lot better. this weekend has been busy. i went shopping with my mom, japanfest, paper to finish, and japanese test to study for... oh yeah, and reading... riiight. 
I also found out this weekend that my one cat hates having her back brushed and the other loves it! random thought... 
My old school was playing football today on tv and it made me kinda sad, not just because they are pretty bad, but because I miss my old school. However, I do like the people I've met at my new school! :) :) :)
Okie dokie... better get back to proofreading. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Last night I joined an online dating site called plenty of fish..... i've gotten some really weird messages and some really nice ones. Anyway, I still don't think I believe in online dating, but maybe something good will come from it??

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

folklore and findings

               Yesterday I got the book "Irish Fairy and Folk Tales" written by W.B. Yeats. I've always been interested in folklore and different stories that have to deal with the Irish people. I found out through my biological mother that her grandmother was Irish, so I'm a wee bit (haha). Anyway, the story I read was about the children of Lir and their fate. They were turned into swans by their evil stepmother and could not be changed back until a prince married a princess in a certain town. I remember the swan on the University of Limerick campus that my friend and I always saw. Moving on...I won't tell you the whole story, and by you, I mean the two people reading my blog lol. Anyway, I hope someday to go to grad school in Ireland or Scotland and learn more about folklore maybe. 

                  Anyway, tonight I went to a documentary viewing on the Trojan War. They talked about Dr. Shleiman and his findings around the area that is today Troy on a map. He traveled throughout Turkey and Greece trying to dig up evidence and find the lost palace of Troy and the jewels of Helen. It was actually very interesting, except for the freshmen behind me talking the whole time. My teacher is making us attend these lectures and documentaries on ancient Greece because we are studying Herodotus and Thucydides in class. I should really start reading more... 

                 Today in Japanese I performed a skit and it went well! ばんざい!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Yesterday I started posting my drawings on Facebook :)
I really love drawing manga characters and it is fun when I see improvement in my drawings. I still don't know exactly what I want to do with my life, but I do know that drawing will always be a hobby of mine.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I can't wait to get through September, so it can be October and Halloweeeeeeen! My japanese homework was hard today and I don't think I did that well (oops). Anyway, today was quadfest, kind of like a homecoming party with bouncie castles and other things. It reminded me of my old school and made me sad :( However, I liked Japanese class today. Next week I have sooo many required events to go to for my historical perspectives class and it is gonna suck. Next week will be busy...

Thursday, September 8, 2011


"Happiness is a choice that requires effort sometimes."



I've been thinking lately that there are certain people in the world who you can trust completely and then there are those people who might turn on you in the darkest of times. I feel like I've been surrounded by good people my whole life, except for the rare few. Isn't it nice to think about life when you were a kid and didn't have a worry in the world. Sometimes I feel like I misplaced my personality, left it back with my childhood me. Do you ever feel lost, like nobody sees the real you and if they do finally see the real you, they shy away. However, how do we change if we never did really? I think I am the same person that I was when I was little. I still like the same things, and I think act the same way. It would be awesome to be able to remember everything from childhood... just sayin'.

what to read?

I was reading a manga last night called "I am Here" and the main character has a blog. She gets advice from people that follow her blog and she writes back to them. It is a very cute manga and I suggest to you, whoever you may be, that you read it. I got into manga when I started high school because my brother told me about it. I have the best big brother. We may not talk much, but we do get along great. Anyway, I hope people read my blog... some more interesting stuff in my life to come i hope (haha)

Where to go, what to do...

I've always wanted to travel the whole world. I especially want to go to Japan and hopefully work at Tokyo Disneyland ^_^
Who out there can give me tips on auditioning? I auditioned for the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando and did not get past the first round :(
Who else is interested in traveling and the japanese culture??


Today was a good day. I went to all my classes, found out who my advisor is and got to eat with friends at lunch. I even got to talk about Disney auditions with one of my friends and we might all take a dance class together.